We assist with everything

Our customers are close partners. We take pride in assisting you at every step, from needs assessment, implementation, hardware setup, to operation and support.

Subscription Package Including Support, Maintenance, and Upgrades

IBG comes as a complete digital solution for communication and planning, available through a steady subscription. This package includes everything: the software platform, displays, IT hardware, support, maintenance, updates, plus advice and training. You pay a set fee for access to the IBG service, with the cost based on how many user profiles you need. We support you at every step, from starting out and installing to everyday use, regular updates, and additional learning opportunities.

Here's how your price is calculated



 We plan the implementation process in collaboration with you, leading the effort to identify and formulate your specific needs and objectives. Based on that foundation, we provide training and qualification for your employees, ensuring they become fully proficient in using IBG and can provide the most value to the citizens in their daily lives. We maintain communication after the initial setup and schedule follow-up meetings to ensure that your objectives are met.

Contact us to inquire about the pricing for implementation with us.
Contact us


IBG is paid for as an ongoing license for the citizens who need access to IBG. This agreement ensures that the system is operated, developed, and continuously supported by a dedicated team of professional specialists. We ensure that hosting and security comply with applicable regulations and also perform backups of your data. If citizens or staff need assistance, telephone and written support are provided to all users.

Contact us to inquire about the pricing for licenses with us.
Contact us


IBG Wallbox is the interactive community screen that fits into the surroundings and provides the crucial sense of community. The screen is installed in the common area, where it replaces whiteboards and bulletin boards with printouts, notes, and pictograms in many homes. Thus, the Wallbox becomes a cornerstone for both independence and community, as residents use the screen to get an overview of daily activities and events.

Contact us for pricing on interactive touchscreens and equipment.
Kontakt os

Indkøb på SKI

I har mulighed for at købe IBG på SKI-aftale. Dette kan gøres på aftalen 02.19 og 02.06.

Kontakt os for nærmere information om jeres muligheder.

What is IBG Premium

IBG Premium provides you with all services and functionalities developed for IBG with access for citizens, employees, and relatives. The agreement is based on the number of citizens you have in your offer. In our opinion, this provides the most fair and realistic basis for purchasing IBG, as the platform is fundamentally created for the citizens.

The agreement includes ensuring operation, ongoing upgrades of new services and features, as well as free support. When establishing IBG, there will be costs for implementation and possibly IT equipment in the form of interactive touch screens, as needed.

Why Choose IBG

IBG is the only digital tool for life management designed for people with disabilities. IBG offers a wide range of functionalities and modules for planning and communication that support all the essential needs of people with disabilities: structure, security, self-reliance, community, family orientation, and much more.


IBG is a dedicated company that understands your needs and is always available for support and guidance.

Transparent pricing

The price of IBG Premium can be equated with what a digital aid such as video support often costs. You pay for the number of citizens using the system, making it easy to create a user payment model.

Solid and recognized

IBG is used within Social Services, Disability Services, Healthcare, and Social Psychiatry in more than 25 municipalities. The platform has been implemented over 250 times, so your investment and efforts are in safe hands.

Welfare technology

IBG is welfare technology that contributes to ensuring that all people, regardless of functional level, can use a digital and technological educational tool. IBG is part of the digital transformation in society.

Our support is our secret strength

We understand that working with IT systems can sometimes be difficult and challenging. Therefore, it's important that you and your colleagues feel confident when contacting us. For us, there are no "stupid questions," and we always find a solution as quickly as possible.

We have high goals for our service and are ready to help you so you can quickly move forward, to the benefit of your citizens.

Our skilled support team is available on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm. if you need technical assistance, guidance, or advice on your options with IBG.

"IBG ProReact always answers our questions fast and in a helpful way. It's hard to find anyone else who offers customer service as good as theirs in this area."
Lars Bo Petersen
Center for Social Pedagogy, Vordingborg
Contact Support today